What’s On Our Bookshelf? All About Love: New Visions by Bell Hooks

If you’ve ever wished there was a manual dedicated to love, look no further! 

When I was given the opportunity to share a favorite book for the THG community, my mind initially went to a book on sexuality. However, as I further thought about it, I wanted to recommend a book that doesn’t just apply to some or most people, I wanted to recommend a book that applies to all people. As a therapist I can confidently say there are very few things that apply to ALL or NONE, but All About Love: New Visions by Bell Hooks is a must read. It is both a manual and a hands on reference guide on the topic of love.

When I first was introduced to this book I wondered how much there was to actually know about love beyond knowing that we need it, that we want it, and it feels so good when we get it. 

The reality is most of us have learned what love is by how we were or weren’t loved by our parents or primary caregivers, our community, and our friends. Many of us experienced harm, abuse, or neglect in the name of love, or were really cared for but felt an absence of love. Hooks recognizes that our understanding of love is directly informed by how we were loved and wanted to provide something more clear and objective. Her work supports people in breaking generational patterns and developing new understandings and paths toward full and complete love. 

Through her work I have felt validated, understood and hopeful about how I can better and more consistently love those around me, especially those closest to me. I feel like I have a concrete definition of what love is, the ingredients that make it up, and how to move toward a full vision of love in my life. 

I highly recommend you add All About Love: New Visions by Bell Hooks to your standard collection as you work toward your vision of love. 

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