Understanding Postpartum Mood Disorders in Fathers: 5 Crucial Facts
You might be surprised to learn that dads get postpartum depression, too! Learn more about what postpartum mood disorders look like in fathers, the risk factors, and how it affects the family. This article also provides tips about what to do if you or a loved one is showing signs of a postpartum depression, anxiety, PTSD, or more after the birth of a baby.
What To Do When You Hate Being A Mom
If you’ve ever felt like you’ve made a big mistake by choosing to become a parent, this blog post is for you. THG therapist Yennhi Hoang, LCSW, shares her personal and professional wisdom about what to do if you are currently hating parenthood.
Embracing the "Both/And" of Motherhood
Having a baby can feel like the best of times and the worst of times, all rolled into one. Learn how embracing the “both/and” of the postpartum period can help you understand and meet your needs with the right support.
Under the Umbrella of Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression impacts approximately 30% of women nationwide and as many as 64% of moms in Utah. However, the term “postpartum depression” is often used as an umbrella term to refer to a number of postpartum mood disorders. Let’s talk about the symptoms associated with different postpartum mood disorders, and how parents suffering from a perinatal mood disorder can get help and healing.