5 Reasons You Might Benefit From Sex Therapy
Sexual health is often something that isn’t talked about, but we’re expected to just figure it out as we enter adulthood and committed relationships. Some find themselves lost, confused, or struggling with their own sexual health or in a sexual relationship with a partner. If you’ve ever wondered if sex therapy might benefit you, check out these five reasons it might be just what you’re looking for!
31 Affirmations For Moms
This Maternal Mental Health week we celebrate moms and the beauty of motherhood in all its forms. Here are 31 affirmations to boost well-being and remind moms everywhere that they are enough and appreciated just as they are!
What To Do When You Hate Being A Mom
If you’ve ever felt like you’ve made a big mistake by choosing to become a parent, this blog post is for you. THG therapist Yennhi Hoang, LCSW, shares her personal and professional wisdom about what to do if you are currently hating parenthood.
Studio 5: It's ok to feel two things at once!
Have you ever wanted to laugh and cry at the same time? THG therapist Crystal Stewart pops in to Studio 5 to talk about how to feel and embrace all our complicated emotions. Watch here!
The Benefits Of In-Person Therapy In A Digital World
Wondering if there’s a difference between in-person therapy vs. online therapy? While both are beneficial, Reva Cook, LCSW gives a few ideas of why in-person therapy might be worth the extra effort.
What's On Our Bookshelf? "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents"
Curious about which books our therapists recommend to their clients? One of our amazing therapists, Keeley Doyle, CSW, shares why she loves to keep Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents on her bookshelf.
Fox 13: How Books About Romance Can Help Your Love Life
THG founder Kristin Hodson, LCSW, CST, recently sat down with Kelly Chapman from Fox 13 news to talk about how books related to romance can help improve your relationship.
3 Tips From A Therapist For Combatting Seasonal Depression
Winter blues getting you down? The cold and gloomy winter months can really take a toll on our mental health. If you feel like you’re battling seasonal depression at this time of year, THG therapist Yennhi Hoang has 3 easy tips to help you feel like yourself again!
Therapists Don't Tell Us What To Do (Even When We Want Them To!)
Have you ever wished a therapist would just tell you what to do to solve all your problems? Mary Attridge, CMHC, breaks down what a therapist does and does not do for a client seeking support, and how healing is actually achieved.
8 Things To Know About Postpartum Depression
When it comes to perinatal mood disorders, like postpartum depression, knowledge is power! Here are 8 things a licensed THG therapist wants you to know about postpartum depression, and how you can feel like yourself again.
10 Questions To Ask Your New Therapist
Finding a new therapist can be overwhelming! Research shows that the therapeutic relationship between therapist and client can have an impact on the success of treatment — so how do you pick the right therapist for you? We’ve put together 10 questions to ask a new therapist so you can feel confident with your choice.
What's On Our Bookshelf? "More Than A Body: Your Body Is An Instrument, Not An Ornament"
Curious what books our therapists are reading? This month specialty intern Riley Glasset, CSW shares why the book More Than A Body: Your Body Is an Instrument, Not an Ornament is one she keeps on her bookshelf.